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Capture d'écran 2014-09-14 à

The "Viavai - Contrabbando culturale Svizzera-Lombardia" cultural exchange programme is initiated by Pro Helvetia, the Swiss Arts Council, in partnership with the cantons of Ticino and Valais, the City of Zurich and the Ernst Göhner Foundation. It is sponsored by the Lombardy Region and the City of Milan. 

XiViX -1515

pour mannequins & ensemble

music + clothing design




Théâtre du Crochetan-Monthey

Oh! Festival


70 Mins. 

Artistic Director & Musical Director

Pascal Viglino

Stage director

Stefan Hort



Klangbox Ensemble

Anja Füsti (Percussion)
Elisabeth de Merode (Flûte, Voix)
Damien Darioli( Percussion, Trompette) 

Pascal Viglino (Percussion) 


Alexandre Babel (CH)

Yannick Barman (CH)

Pasquale Corrado (IT)

Leo Dick (CH)

Denis Schüler (CH)

Zeno Baldi (IT)

Claudio Bettinelli (IT-FR)

Vittorio Montalti (IT)

Christian Henking (CH)

Marco Fusi (IT)

Pascal Viglino (CH)

Clothes designers

Philippe Bestenheider (CH-IT) - Designer

Marie-Antoinette Gorret (CH) - Artiste visuelle

Diana Ammann (CH) - Clothes designer

Giada Masi (IT) - Clothes designer

Paola Giorgi (IT) - Clothes designer

Stefania Barrecca (IT) - Clothes designer

Claudia Botta (IT) - Clothes designer

Stefania Coretti (IT) - Clothes designer

Maxime Gianinetti (CH) - Designer Multimedia

Scenography/ Light

Simon Siegmann


Clothes coordination

Ruth Schaffner (Tour)

Noémie Stalder (Création)



Mélisende Navarre

Agustin Emilio Casalia


Technical director

Baptiste Coutaz 


Pro Helvetia

Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera (Milano) 

Théâtre du Crochetan-Monthey

Oh! Festival

​Ecole cantonale de couture du Valais (Sierre)


Performances places

Landesmuseum Zürich

Théâtre du Crochetan de Monthey

Dampfzentrale Bern

Oh Festival Valais-Wallis

Accademia di Brera Milano (Italie)

1515... Marignan!

This is in short what every Swiss citizen remembers about Swiss history.

500 years later, what remains of this battle? 

It is on this question that about twenty creators and composers from Switzerland and Lombardy have worked in international pairs to create a utopian armor.

Each costume has its own musical composition.

On stage, four musicians from the Klangbox Ensemble will perform these musical compositions in the eccentric costumes of modern mercenaries, the fruit of composers and designers.


XiViX Op. 1515 is the promise of a theatrical-musical show that looks like a dreamlike, offbeat, funny battlefield, flamboyant with sounds, shapes and textures.


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